Auto services
Full Service Wash ($35)
Includes hand wash and dry exterior; vacuum interior; cleans windows (interior/exterior), dashboard, and console; dress tires
Full Interior Shampoo ($80)
Includes full service wash plus shampoo seats, carpet, and floor mats; Trunk, door, and dash
Wash and Spray Wax ($95)
Includes full service wash, complete exterior, and wax
Wash and Buff + Wax ($155)
Includes full service wash and wax plus complete machine buff of exterior and removal of road tar and bugs
Full Detail ($195/$215)
Includes full service wash and interior shampoo, machine or hand buff as needed; hand wax; hand clean trunk or rear compartment; clean and dress engine compartment. $195 for Cars and $215 for SUVs/Trucks.
(GM vehicles only for engine compartment)
Cleaning Services
Carpet Cleaning
Window Cleaning
Floor Stripping/Waxing
Move Outs